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Peanuts – The Secret Ingredient For ChildDevelopment

What a child eats has a profound impact on their physical and mental development, especially in the first 24 months, or what is called the B24 period. The initial years are pivotal in offering the child ample nutrition essential for healthy development, and peanuts may just be the secret ingredient to boost child development in the early years, with a more sumptuous option of wholesome peanut butter as they grow.

The early years of a child’s life are not just magical but are the most important when it comes to their nutrition and development.

After the first 6 months of a child’s life, pediatricians advise including complementary solid foods in addition to breastmilk to enhance nutrition and meet the basic requirement needed for healthy overall growth. Peanuts are a great ingredient to add to your child’s diet at an early stage and in every growing stage to enhance the chances of reaping extra nutritional and health benefits.


Peanuts bring the best of all worlds to the table. In addition to tasting good, they have numerous health and nutritional benefits that make them a super-food for all age groups – particularly the young.

HELPS BRAIN DEVELOPMENT: Peanuts contain protein, iron, zinc, and choline essential for rapid brain development. They also contain essential fats that help boost memory. Though the brain makes up only 2% of body mass, it consumes 25% of the energy stored in the body to perform and maintain cognitive ability. Peanuts in any form offer a healthy fat content ideal for the brain to function efficiently.

HELPS PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Peanuts are abundant in protein and energy-dense offering roughly 160 calories per handful. Peanuts help the body with ample protein supply to strengthen muscles, promote physical recovery and enhance overall physical development. It also helps strengthen the bones against various conditions like osteoporosis that manifest in old age causing severe discomfort.

REDUCES RISKS OF DEFICIENCIES: Nutritional deficiencies can lead to health problems in children that follow them into adulthood and thereafter. Incorporating peanuts into your child’s diet can give them a healthy dose of niacin (vitamin B3), copper, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, biotin, phosphorus, and magnesium. As per an all-natural peanut butter supplier conglomerate in India, more authorities are accepting the health benefits of peanuts and are actively spreading awareness to help parents incorporate peanuts into children’s diets.

BOOSTS IMMUNITY: Peanuts have a hearty content of saturated fat that remains stored in the body and helps build a solid defense system against infections of all kinds. Peanuts in all forms help enhance a child’s immunity in the long run.

ENHANCES VISION: The Vitamin E present in peanuts helps protect the eyes, and protect against premature damage, degeneration, and other conditions. Including peanuts in your child’s diet can ensure healthy, functional eyes.

HELPS FIGHT MALNUTRITION: Peanuts are the main ingredient in formulating the nutrient-rich RUTF(Ready to use therapeutic food)  Packets widely distributed by WHO and other world organizations to fight malnutrition in children. RUTF is essentially peanut butter paste rich in vitamins and energy. Across the globe, RUTF is used to treat severe acute malnourishment that claims the 1000s of lives of innocent children. Peanut butter exporters in India are actively working with world organizations to offer RUTF to fight SAM.

The health benefits of peanuts are multifold, making them the perfect addition to a nutrient-rich diet ideal for a child’s physical and mental development. Peanuts help promote the overall wellness of a child, beginning early and well into adulthood.