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Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food: A Promising Step Towards Zero Hunger in India

In a country as diverse as India, where millions of lives are affected by undernutrition, finding effective solutions to combat this crisis is paramount. Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) emerges as a promising intervention that could play a pivotal role in propelling India toward achieving the goal of zero hunger. In this blog post, we will delve into the potential of RUTF, supported by compelling statistics and numbers that underscore its significance.


  • Malnutrition Burden: India is home to a staggering proportion of the world’s malnourished population. According to the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021, India ranks 101st out of 116 countries, highlighting the severity of the problem. Approximately 14% of India’s population is undernourished, and nearly 38% of children under five are stunted due to chronic malnutrition.
  • Child Malnutrition: Child malnutrition is a particularly alarming concern. India records an alarmingly high prevalence of wasting, where a child is too thin for their height due to acute malnutrition. The prevalence of wasting stands at around 17.3%, well above the global average of 6.9%, as reported by UNICEF.
  • Economic Impact: Malnutrition not only affects individual lives but also has broader economic consequences. A report by the World Bank estimated that malnutrition could lead to a loss of 8% of India’s GDP annually.


  • Life-Saving Nutrient Boost: RUTF is specifically designed to address severe acute malnutrition, providing a potent combination of essential nutrients. According to UNICEF,
  • RUTF typically contains around 500 calories and a balanced mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It’s a concentrated source of energy and nutrients, making it an effective tool for rapid weight gain and recovery.
  • Swift Action in Critical Times: RUTF’s main advantage lies in its easy administration. It requires no cooking, water, or refrigeration, making it incredibly suitable for emergency situations and remote areas with limited resources. A UNICEF report highlights that
  • RUTF has revolutionized the treatment of severe acute malnutrition, allowing for timely intervention that can save lives.
  • Proven Success: The effectiveness of RUTF has been demonstrated in various contexts worldwide. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition showed that the use of RUTF led to an impressive recovery rate of 95% among children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Malawi. Similar success stories have been documented in countries like Niger, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh.
  • Scaling Up Efforts: India’s commitment to addressing malnutrition is evident through its National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan). RUTF aligns well with the mission’s objectives of reducing malnutrition and improving nutritional outcomes. The Indian government’s efforts to integrate RUTF into the healthcare system can significantly enhance its impact.


  • Child Mortality: According to estimates from UNICEF, approximately 3.6 million children in India die before their fifth birthday, and malnutrition is a leading cause of these deaths. RUTF’s potential to save lives becomes evident when considering the scale of preventable child mortality due to malnutrition. 
  • Anemia Prevalence: Anemia, often caused by poor nutrition, affects a significant portion of India’s population. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data reveals that around 58.6% of children under five, 53% of women, and 22.7% of men in India suffer from anemia. RUTF’s nutrient-rich composition can contribute to addressing this pressing issue. 
  • Undernourished Pregnant Women: Malnutrition among pregnant women has far-reaching consequences, affecting both maternal and child health. NFHS-5 data indicates that around 35.5% of pregnant women in India are underweight. RUTF can provide vital nutrition to pregnant women, leading to healthier pregnancies and better birth outcomes.

In a nation as vast and diverse as India, the battle against malnutrition is multifaceted and complex. Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a tangible solution to address severe acute malnutrition, especially among children. The stark statistics and numbers outlined in this blog post underscore the urgent need for innovative interventions like RUTF.

However, successful implementation requires a collaborative effort between governments, healthcare institutions, non-governmental organizations, and communities. By integrating RUTF into India’s comprehensive nutrition strategy, the nation can take a promising step towards achieving the ambitious goal of zero hunger and ensuring a healthier, brighter future for its citizens.