The Global Hunger Index 2018, reports at least one in five children are wasted in India, just slightly better than the conflict-prone South Sudan. India is ranked 103 out of 119 nations, in the Index and the hunger levels in the country have been categorised as ‘serious’.
The National family health Survey-4 (2015-2016) data shows that about 7.5 % of all U-5 children are severely wasted, 38.4% are stunted and 35.7% are underweight and need urgent intervention. There is a growing body of medical research which points to the positive impact Ready-To-Use Therapeutic food has on anthropometric, physiological and functional (including immunological) recovery of SAM-afflicted children. Such positive externalities are attested by the pilot studies done in various Indian states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha, etc., with RUTF, found effective in dealing with cases of child stunting and wasting.